
Journey to Broadway Market


This is a trip of 7¼ furlongs from Old Ford Lock No 8 to Acton’s Lock No 7 travelling west on the Grand Union Canal (Regent’s Canal).

This will take 16 minutes.


Grand Union Canal (Regent’s Canal)
From Old Ford Lock No 8 to:
Acton’s Lock No 7 7¼ furlongs, 0 locks


Total distance is 7¼ furlongs and 0 locks (not counting Old Ford Lock No 8 and Acton’s Lock No 7).

This is made up of 7¼ furlongs of broad canals.


Mooring up next to the Village Butty

It’s a privilege really to moor up next to “The Village Butty” the community boat for bargees and non-bargees alike. Step into the magic world of bargees, where game nights, concerts and “how to toilet composting” events take place. All very necessary, insightful and great fun. On special days you even get oysters – what a treat (for those who like ’em).

It was Adnan’s birthday and we headed to Ombra Bar for delicious food, one of our all time favourites, like in the olden days when we lived in Hackney. On the way back we went for a game night to the Village Butty – what a lovely way to celebrate a birthday!




Journey to Vicki Park


This is a trip of 1 mile, 1¼ furlongs and 3 locks from Hertford Union Bottom Lock No 3 to Victoria Park Visitor Moorings.

This will take 58 minutes.

From Hertford Union Bottom Lock No 3 travel southwest on the Grand Union Canal (Hertford Union Canal) for 7½ furlongs and 2 locks to Hertford Union Junction, then travel northwest on the Grand Union Canal (Regent’s Canal) for 1¾ furlongs and 1 lock to Victoria Park Visitor Moorings.


Grand Union Canal (Hertford Union Canal)
From Hertford Union Bottom Lock No 3 [see navigational note 1 below] (Also known as Old Ford Lower Lock) to:
Hertford Union Junction

Junction of Regent’s and Hertford Union Canals. Also known as Hertford Union Canal and Regents Canal Junction
7½ furlongs, 2 locks
Grand Union Canal (Regent’s Canal)
From Hertford Union Junction (Junction of Regent’s and Hertford Union Canals. Also known as Hertford Union Canal and Regents Canal Junction) to:
Victoria Park Visitor Moorings

14 day moorings
1¾ furlongs, 1 lock


Total distance is 1 mile, 1¼ furlongs and 3 locks (not counting Hertford Union Bottom Lock No 3).

This is made up of 1 mile, 1¼ furlongs of broad canals; 3 broad locks.

This will take 58 minutes.
