
Journey to Three Mills


This is a trip of 1 mile, 5¼ furlongs and 1 lock from Eastway Bridge No 14A to Three Mill Lane Bridge No 3 travelling southeast on the Lee and Stort Navigation (River Lee: commercial section).

This will take 46 minutes.


Lee and Stort Navigation (River Lee: commercial section)
From Eastway Bridge No 14A to:
Hertford Union Canal Junction

Junction of Hertford Union Canal and River Lee
4 furlongs, 0 locks
Bow Bridge No 5

Modern bridge 75yds long. A11
7 furlongs, 1 lock
Three Mill Lane Bridge No 3

Also known as Three Mills Bridge
2¼ furlongs, 0 locks


Total distance is 1 mile, 5¼ furlongs and 1 lock.

This is made up of 1 mile, 5¼ furlongs of commercial waterways; 1 large lock.

This will take 46 minutes.

